Tuesday, 26 May 2009


Sometimes 286 seems to be at the crossroads of the holographic universe. This morning, two holographers with the same initials, PB, converged at my London residence. Philippe Boissonnet, en route from Canada to his family home in France called in to collect some work I have been storing since his exhibition last year http://www.jrholocollection.com/gallery/Aug2008/index.html
and Pepe Buitrago from Spain, who was in London for a few days holiday, came by to discuss an exhibition of his recent body of work, which I hope to show in 2010. You can see some of his previous work here: http://www.holonet.khm.de/Buitrago/INDEX.HTM
Here they are, Philippe with his wife Lorraine and Pepe with his wife Mercedes, overlooking my garden, in between showers.

We just needed Patrick Boyd to complete the set!